Minutes 2018 January

Virginia Association of Real Estate Inspectors (VAREI)  Board of Directors Meeting

Date: January 10, 2018
TODDS TAVERN, 10653 Catharpin Rd., Spotsylvania, VA 22551

I. Call to order

Meeting called to order by Barry Robinson at 11:25 am

II. Roll Call

1) Barry Robinson - P
2) Dennis Pelczynski - S
3) Jim Vaughn - T
4) Dave Rushton
5) Scott Harvey
6) Tim Welch
7) Zoltan Szombathy
8) Alex Aderton (visiting)

1) Joseph Wingenbach

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Secretary’s Report
Minutes from last meeting (October 5, 2017) read by Dennis Pelczynski

Treasurer’s Report
Update/Commentary presented by Jim Vaughn

Checking __$ 28,644.18 Expenses __$ 8,087.72

Expense breakdown
$ 1901.72 annual meeting expense + $180 tip
$ 4000.00 paid to lobby (half of annual agreement)
$ 6.00 bank charge
$ 2,000 website

Discussion of Treasurer’s report
Brief discussion of past expenses and changes made to improve expenses and income
Membership estimated to be over 100 paid
JV brings up need to do financial review of VAREI books

Reports approved by BOD

IV Open Issues

a) Add member benefits Tim Welsh
Brief discussion on possible member benefits TW to continue working on this

b) Improve marketing (Website update) Jim Vaughn
Website - Jim V working on website
Still a work in progress, coming soon, should be up and running and ready for annual meeting, Jim V discusses sign in / sign out process, payment methods, registrations
John K had questions about who hosts website (Hollis Brown)
Brief discussion on CEs

c) Dues increase Previously tabled
Brief discussion on need for dues increase
Board determined there is no need to increase dues Tabled for future discussion/consideration

d) Establish dispute resolution procedure for complaints or grievances against VAREI members Previously tabled

Grievance committee? Need for committee?
Barry R feels that now there is a license the need may increase for a VAREI grievance committee. Dave R states the number of complaints at state level are minimal at this point and in the past. Dave R explains complaint process with DPOR. Barry R would like to brand VAREI as the go to source for Virginia inspectors. Added value to members.

John K calls for vote for committee, seconded by all Majority agrees to start a grievance committee
Barry R to start process of setting up grievance committee

Grievance committee to be formed by Barry R to handle complaints.
Dave R is concerned about being on DPOR board and VAREI board if a complaint comes in to VAREI

e) Membership
Scott H discusses/asks about the number of VAREI members in comparison to number of licensed HI in VA
14-15% estimated

V. New Business

a) Folders/Portfolios
Portfolios handed out by BR for BOD members.
Portfolios will remain property of VAREI. BR went over the contents with BOD Members signed agreement to return/pass on folders when BOD term has ended

b) Welcome new members and distribute suggestion forms for completion Brief roundtable introduction members
New board member suggestion forms will be sent later by BR

c) Develop mentor program for new inspectors
Barry R would like to have HI school marketing packets to include VAREI as a mentoring source/opportunity.
Mentor program would be available to VAREI members only. Need to join.
Need to establish mentor program/committee in VAREI to help new inspectors and increase membership.
Positive response from BOD members
Dave R has contacts with schools (via DPOR?)
Barry R would require schools to become affiliate members of VAREI to promote mentor program

d) Financial Review
Jim V brings up need to do financial review of VAREI books.
Dave R questions if that needs to be up for a vote and acceptance. Jim V stated there should be no cost and no need to vote on
Jim V to proceed with financial review

e) Marketing VAREI to Realtors
Barry R would like to create a VAREI flyer or information packet to put in Realtor offices that promote VAREI as the go to source for licensed Virginia inspectors Positive response from BOD

f) Committee requirements of BOD members
BR assigned BOD members committees based on what they have been doing

Education Committee- Dave Rushton
Finance Committee
Jim Vaughn
Grievance Committee
Barry Robinson Legislative Committee Robb Bohannon Membership Committee Tim Welch Nominations Committee Charles Chisholm Public Relations Committee Dennis Pelczynski

g) Lobbyist
Possible Bill Drafted by Virginia Senator to remove limit of liability of home inspectors
Robb B. to attempt to stop bill from being submitted. DR to follow up

h) Scheduling conflict
Dave R discusses conflict in calendar of next quarterly BOD meeting and NOVA ASHI spring seminar.
Proposes rescheduling or relocating (to seminar) BOD meeting.
Quarterly BOD meeting rescheduled to ____________________


Grievance committee to be started

VI. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned by _Barry Robinson at _1:00pm